How long does a refund and return processing take?

When you have returned the package, it takes a maximum of 21 working days before we have received and processed your return. Once your return has been processed with us, you will receive an email with further information about your refund/exchange. If you have not received a message from us after 25 working days, we recommend that you contact our Customer Care. Pay attention! It is possible that your return is processed in several parts.


Why haven't I received an answer to my question yet?

Answering questions may currently take longer than you are used to from us. We, therefore, recommend that you ask your question via one channel. If you have a question about an order, it is useful to send your order number. We do everything we can to answer your question as soon as possible.


What should I do if I have received a damaged item?

Unfortunately, it is possible that your order will be damaged during shipping. As a customer, you cannot do anything about this. In that case, we ask you to contact our Customer Care directly. It is also useful to send photos of the complaint. Our Customer Care will process your message as soon as possible and will work with you to find the best solution.